Using construction boosts on alcatraz great building in forge of empire
Using construction boosts on alcatraz great building in forge of empire

Pushing these Special Buildings via mutual supporting chains of your Guild ensures that you will not hurry through the ages. This is how the normal path of progression for a player looks:įor each, they need to be developed up to level 10. This would not have been fair trade, because the number of required goods is not achievable for players in the Early Ages. Thank you to anyone in advance with any helpful advice and information.If you see players in the Middle Ages with the Alcatraz special building, then they have most likely used Diamonds (We have a separate FREE Diamonds Strategy if you did want to go down this route) or their Guild have helped them with obtaining the goods. But aside from the arc and the above concern, I'd be grateful to know the best levels for these GB's. Please keep in mind this is to get my arc to 80 as fast as possible, so taking into account getting the GBs i dont have and getting them to a favorable level is important.All of these I cannot push 60+ at the moment so I'm curious what threshold for early/mid game is best on these levels. Other question that I can't seem to find: regardless of arc, what are the sweet spots for the above GB's? AO, CC, HC and BG in particular. Would putting down these GB's prior to powerleveling help me, should I pick and choose certain ones or should I just get arc to 80 first?Īrc is currently 22, only a few more levels left until the sweet spot on that and hopefully I can knock out 40 levels here soon. The same goes for AO, Kraken, and TA (TA unlikely at the moment) Due to my fighting im wondering if HC would be worth it before I power level my arc. I fight GbG and negotiate daily to the best of my limits, GE 64 weekly. I'm in EMA with 210/140 %'s, daily collection is around 200. But I still do not have an AO, CC, Kraken, HC, BG or TA.

using construction boosts on alcatraz great building in forge of empire using construction boosts on alcatraz great building in forge of empire

The main concern around this is I want to power level my arc. I have the the 3 military, ToR and Traz at 10.

Using construction boosts on alcatraz great building in forge of empire